Made in Italy


The starting point was passion which, combined with dedication and determination, became the driving force to achieve the highest results.
Bruno Zanovello established the company in 1960, and he laid the foundations for his future business after learning and refining the various processing techniques working for leading silverware craftsmen in Padua, Vicenza and Milan.
For a few years he mantained a family profile, designing and producing a range of items that were immediatly acknowleged by leading silverware manufacturers.
This learning path meant that he was soon able to extend his range of samples and, with the precious help of some colleagues who started and grew together with him as true lovers of this art, he addressed himself to a highly selected wholesale and retail clientele, obtaining immediate success.
Over the years the company's technology level also grew, but it always conserved the strictly artisan method to ensure only the best quality and care are offered typical of true craftsman.
Since 2000 besides producing classic and modern silverware, the company has also been producing cutlery with a range of classic and modern styles.
This is all the result of purely craftsmanship working with scrupolous attention paid to the design and hte production.
Silver is a elitist product that expresses culture, taste and education